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  • Questionnaire
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What are you waiting for?

Answer the questionnaire and take the first step to creating an even better trade business.



40 statements to complete

Rate Yourself

To the statements below please select only ONE of the following:

All the time - 100% and you can prove it!
Some of the time - Less than 50% of the time
Most of the time - Greater than 50% of the time
Rarely or never

Your Game Plan

You have a clear picture of the results/outcomes you want to create in the next 12-months for your business and life
You have specific priorities, with time frames to work through to achieve your outcomes in question #1
You review your progress at least weekly, and adjust your activities accordingly with the objectives in #2
You and your team regularly review (at least every 3-months) the way you do things in your business – from winning new business through to delivering the product/service.
You are excited about your business, the industry you are in, and your future

Financial Stability

Your book keeping is current (up to date) and clear so you confidently know the financial position of your business at any time
You are clear on what your Gross Profit margin (GP%) is, and how to improve it
Pre-Tax Profit (EBIT) is consistently above 10%, after paying yourself a market salary for your role
You know what your business requires in sales/jobs every month to cover operating expenses/overheads (your break-even)
Cash flow is consistently positive (more money coming in than is going out) and you have a forecast for the next 30-60 days

Attracting New Opportunities

You are clear on your ‘ideal/dream’ target client and job type
You know exactly how many enquiries each month your business requires to reach sales revenue/profit targets, and the business is achieving this
You have a minimum of five effective methods to consistently attract your ‘ideal/dream’ target client
You are clear on what the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing spend needs to be
You have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software/system to record and communicate with enquiries and opportunities

Winning New Jobs

Customer enquiries, quoting and follow up are handled professionally in optimum time
You have a tangible ‘Point of Difference’ from other businesses in your industry – other than better quality/service
You have a mobile friendly website that proudly and effectively showcases your business and work quality
You are confident with your pricing methods to win work at your target gross profit margin
You never discount or compromise your trading terms to win work

Delivering the Work

Jobs are completed with minimal challenges and delivered on time/on budget
Your ‘on site/on tools’ employees are spending more than 80% of their time on billable work
The team can work on-site unsupervised by yourself, and still produce the desired quality
Training is provided for less skilled team players to continually improve productions standards
Customer feedback is positive and they are willing to give reviews/referrals

Your Team

All employees are productive and engaged with the work they are doing, and contributing to the success of the business
Hiring is proactive to ensure you always have the best people possible on your team
Each person on your team is clear on the minimum standards and expectations (KPI’s) required of them in their role
You provide regular feedback to team players on their performance/behaviour
You ‘let go’ of employees quickly that are negative and drain energy (and profits) from the business

Managing the Risks

You have the necessary insurances in place to cover worst case scenarios.
You have agreements in place for business partnerships, work contracts, payment terms, contractors, employees and all other significant business relationships
Work place safety processes are adhered to
All your customers pay you on time
You have access to cash reserves/overdraft to cover a minimum of 6-weeks operating expenses/overheads

Your Lifestyle

You spend quality time on the things that matter most to you outside business such as family, social, recreation and community
You take time out, such as long weekends or holidays, every 3-months to recharge
You notice when you feel stressed or anxious about business/life, and take healthy steps to manage this
You are healthy and physically well for your age
You enjoy your business and life


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Privacy Statement

    Your privacy is important to us, and PROTRADE United is committed to ensuring full compliance with the Privacy Act. We keep your name, address, telephone and email details in our database for the purpose of providing the services you request. We may also keep a record of any correspondence between you and us, including but not limited to, emails, telephone conversations and letters. At any time, you may change or remove your details by contacting us.

    We keep all non-public, personal information about our customers, former customers, or potential customers secure and do not disclose this information to any third party without express permission. We may contact you from time to time with promotional and marketing material via phone, email and mail or contact you to ask your opinion about our services. If at any time you do not wish to receive marketing material from us, please contact us and we will remove you from the relevant distribution lists.

    Please refer to our Privacy Policy, available on our website (www.protradeunited.com.au) or on request. It contains further details about:

    1. the personal information we collect
    2. what we do with it
    3. where we send it
    4. how you can access and correct it
    5. how you can lodge a privacy complaint regarding the handling of your personal information
    6. how we handle those complaints
    7. online privacy
    8. the types of service providers we use

    If you have any questions regarding the way PROTRADE United handles your personal information or wish to seek access to, or correct, personal information we hold about you, please contact our office on 1300 767 774.